The ultimate goal of this page is to help you discover 7 personalised things about your clients to create more tailored sales that align with your business.
But why am I doing this?
Let’s go back in time…
Why 7
Throughout history, religion, mythology even your biological changes, you’ll know of many things that come in 7’s such as days of the week, lucky number 7, seven wonders of the world and of course the 7 deadly sins reason, your body even resets on a 7 year basis.
Your Short term memory. In 1965 Miller found out most adults can store between 5-9 items in their short term memory.
He then coined the magic number 7. And this is what we will maximise – because you want these bits of information you’re going to learn about your clients at your fingertips. In a place I like to call On Demand Memory.
Here I will provide free and paid for handouts which will allow you to make more personalised sales.