Crafting Personalised Emails - Quickly!
There are two types of personalised emails - Short and Long.
Here will go into both.
But first why is this important? Well, think about the random emails and DM's you get on Social media (LinkedIn/ IG, etc).
Do you reply to them?
For the most part, I imagine no.
The reason being - they don’t relate to you at all. They haven't spent any amount of time looking at your profile/ website and really understanding exactly how they can help you.
I go into this in full detail in Part 3 of my course, which covers:
- Brief intro
- Add an article
- Outline your skills - what you will help them with
- Provide them options to reach out should they want to - CTA
- The P.S - the pier de resistance
Whereby we go into each part in detail and craft the perfect message together in both long and short form.
Here you will find the outlines for both from a VA, Corporate, Speaking, Podcast and Coaching Perspective.
These are emails used by clients to successfully book business.
Please make sure you do not copy them directly and amend them to suit your business.
20 page pdf with 10 emails you can personalise towards your business